Gingham Patch Quilt
A fun, quick and easy quilt. Perfect for beginners or when you just want a quick project!

Finished Size: 72″ x 72″
Seam allowance is 1/4” unless otherwise stated
Printable Instructions
- Fabric A – Buffalo Check Large – Red – 1.1m
- Fabric B – Buffalo Check Large – Grey – 1.8m
- Fabric C – Buffalo Check Small – Red – 0.4m
- Fabric D – Buffalo Check Small – White – 0.4m
Backing: - Fabric E – Canadiana Digital Prints – Animals – 4m
Binding: - Fabric F – Animal Outlines – Grey – 0.5m
Cutting Instructions
Please note: All strips are cut across the width of fabric (WOF) from selvedge to selvedge unless otherwise noted.
From Fabric A cut:
(5) 81/2” x WOF strips. Sub cut:
(25) 81/2” x 81/2” squares
From Fabric B cut:
(8) 81/2” x WOF strips. Sub cut:
(40) 81/2” x 81/2” squares
From Fabric C & D cut:
(4) 41/2” x WOF strips. Sub cut:
(32) 41/2” x 41/2” squares
Block Assembly
1. Sew (1) C to (1) D and sew (1) D to (1) C

2. Sew (1) CD to (1) DC
Repeat for a total of (16) Blocks

Row A Assembly
1. Sew (5) A to (4) B in the order of A B A B A B A B A
Repeat for a total of (5) rows

Row B Assembly
1. Sew (5) B to (4) CD in the order of B CD B CD B CD B CD B
Repeat for a total of (4) rows

Quilt Layout
- Use Quilt Layout for block location.
- Sew blocks and rows together to create quilt top.
- Layer and quilt as desired.
- Bind as desired.