Avoid ring marks in style with our DIY wine glass coasters! And to add to the fun you can make each coasters unique so that everyone will be able to identify their glasses!
(more…)Avoid ring marks in style with our DIY wine glass coasters! And to add to the fun you can make each coasters unique so that everyone will be able to identify their glasses!
(more…)With National Pet Day coming up with decided it’s high time we made another pet DIY!
If you’d like to celebrate with us, give this easy DIY dip dyed leash and collar project a whirl!
(more…)Are quilting and fashion passions of yours?! If so this is the tutorial for you. This Wyoming Valley patch combines both quilting with fashion in a new fun and inspiring way! This quilted patchwork jean jacket DIY is the perfect chance to breathe new life into your wardrobe!
(more…)Some of my favorite times have been spent around the table with my family and friends playing cards. But sometimes little hands can’t quite hold the cards comfortably or you want to be able to play hands free. This DIY helps solves both of those problems. Follow instructions below to learn how to make your own playing card holders.
(more…)Have you been admiring these double embroidery hoops as much as we have? Have you been wondering how on earth the embroiderer did that? Well now you can learn how! And it’s much easier than you think! Follow the Instructions below to learn how.