Pet Snuffle Mat
Keep your pet busy with a snuffle mat! Add some treats to the mat and watch your pet snuffle and hunt for them. Engage their mind and stimulate their brains by having them work for their food. A fun game for them and a great way to burn energy.
*Pets should be supervised while using a snuffle mat*

- 1.5m fleece
- Plastic Canvas
- Spaghetti strap turner or home decor needles

- Cut your fleece into strips measuring 1″ x 7″.
2. Cut larger holes into your canvas so the fleece will fit through.
3. Pull your strip in a hole from the top to the bottom. Thread it across into another hole from the bottom to the top and tie a knot. With another strip do this again through opposite holes to create an ‘X’. Pull the strips tight and knot as many times as desired.