Embroidery DIY

Embroidery is a great way to up-cycle an older garment or to add an extra touch to a new handmade garment. Even if you’ve never embroidered before it’s easy to learn and once you get the basics down you can start experimenting with different stitches. Be adventurous and try the patterns provided or make some of your own!


- Item to embroider or fabric
- Embroidery Thread
- Embroidery Hoop
- Rinse Away Water Soluble Stabilizer
- Needles
- Scissors
- Pencil
FREE Pattern

- Choose your pattern from the patterns provided or make your own design! Trace pattern onto the stabilizer.

2. Place the stabilizer on the garment where you want the embroidery to be. Pin stabilizer in place and attach embroidery hoop.

3. Begin Stitching! Use the video below for reference to basic stitches.

4. When your design is complete, pull off the big parts of the stabilizer. Wash the garment to remove the remaining pieces.