Face Masks
CDC now recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission. The cloth face coverings recommended are not surgical masks or N-95 respirators. Those are critical supplies that must continue to be reserved for healthcare workers and other medical first responders, as recommended by current CDC guidance.
Center Seam Mask


- 0.3m cotton for outer layer
- 0.3m cotton for inner layer

- Wash all fabric prior to use. Using the pattern provided cut out 4 pieces of cotton and 4 strips measuring 18″ x 1 3/4″.

2. Trim 1/2″ off the side of the inner layer pieces.

3. Place the pieces right sides together and stitch along the middle curve.

4. Press the seam open.

5. On the outer layer fold the sides in 1/4″ and the top and bottom in 1/4″. You don’t need to press the whole top and bottom, only about 1″ in.

6. Place your strap pieces right sides together and stitch down the long edge and across one short end.

7. Turn right side out and press. Do this for all 4 straps.

8. Place the raw edge of the strap on the side of the outer layer, matching raw edges. Line up the side of the straps with the raw edge of the top and bottom.

9. Fold the side over 1/4″ and pin. You are creating a rolled hem with the strap sandwiched between it.

10. Fold the straps back over so they are facing away from the mask and pin.

11. Topstitch the fold and straps down. Repeat on the other side.

12. Create a 1/4″ rolled hem on the inner layer side.

13. Place the inner and outer layers right sides together matching center seams, pin in place. Stitch the top edge and bottom edge. The outer layer will extend past the inner layer.

14. Turn right side out and press. You can insert a filter through the sides.
Pleated Mask


- 0.4m cotton fabric
- 0.4m 1/4″ wide elastic

- Cut 1 rectangle in either XS, S, M or L. Cut 2 strips of 1/4″ elastic in either XS, S, M or L.
- XS: Rectangle: 12″ x 4″ Elastic: 5″
- S: Rectangle: 14″ x 5″ Elastic: 6″
- M: Rectangle: 15″ x 8.5″ Elastic 7″
- L: Rectangle: 16″ x 8.5″ Elastic 8″

2. Fold the rectangle in half lengthwise with right sides together. Leave a 3″ opening in the middle and stitch.

3. Press the seam open and edgestitch on both sides of the seam. Do not close the opening. This is your filter opening.

4. With the mask folded in half. Pin one end of an elastic strip to the top side and the other end to the bottom side.

5. Repeat with the other side. Pin sides closed and stitch, securing the ends of the elastics only.

6. Clip your corners and pull right side out through the 3″ opening.

7. Making sure your filter gap is at the back, pleat the sides of your mask. Create 3 even pleats on each side. We used 1/2″ pleats.

8. Once all pleats are in place edgestitch along both sides securing them in place. Press.
Disclaimer: these face masks are not intended to replace surgical face masks. It is an additional option for individuals to feel protected and avoid touching their face while leaving surgical masks for our front-line workers. The material suggested is not medically approved. These masks are not proven to prevent Covid-19 or any other illnesses. Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
So glad you are open again.
Thank you for the mask instructions. Yours is the best of what I’ve seen. Pictures and very clear instructions.
Stay safe and stay healthy.
Thank you Fabricland!
I love the Ladies who work at my New West shop & have worried about all of them during this enforced closure. I also worried about your business and am so glad you survived.
I’ll be back to shop and hope biz rebounds for you.
Best regards,
Thanks for the patterns, I have tried three different styles now. I was very happy to visit your store again and buy more elastic.
Thank you for these instructions; I was at Abbotsford store yesterday. Obviously they were Sewers in the line up – the majority had hand made fabric masks – lol