DIY of the Month – Santa Wine Bottle Holder
Christmas is fast approaching and gifts are being wrapped and placed under the tree. With the holidays comes time to socialize with friends and family! Instead of shopping for the perfect gift for your host make it simple and handmade. Create this cute and fun Santa Wine Bottle Holder and place their favourite bottle in the bag. They won’t be stuck with another knick-knack they pull out once a year and you look like a sewing expert!

- Body Fabric: 0.5m red fabric
- Faux Fur Trim: 0.2m
- Black Fabric: 0.2m
- 0.2m Ribbon
- Fashion Buckle

- A. Cut 1 rectangle in white faux fur: 11.5″ x 6″
(or width of faux fur trim)
B. Cut 1 rectangle from red fabric: 11.5″ x 13.5″
C. Cut 1 strip in red: 9 x 3.75″
D. Cut 1 strip in black: 11.5″x 1″
E. Cut 1 – 4.5″ circle in red or use the pattern piece provided

2. Measure 2 .25″ down from the top of your rectangle and clip 0.25″ in on either side.

3. Fold your 2.25″ flap inward, press and stitch.

4. Fold fur in half lengthwise. Wrong sides together, stitch to top flap making sure there is a 0.25″ overlap on either side.

5. Fold your 2.25″ flap downwards and stitch across creating a channel and securing fur to the body.

6. Stitch or glue black band across the body making sure the buckle is threaded through the strap.

7. Fold right sides together and stitch, making sure not to stitch over your flap.

8. Pin and stitch circle to the bottom of your tube.

9. Thread ribbon through the channel.

1. Fold strap in half length way, press.
2. Open fabric and fold edges toward the center, press.
3. Fold together and press.
4. Edgestitch along the open edge of the strap.
5. Position strap on the inside edge of your tube seam. Stitch in place.