Summer Stuffies
- Dimple Chenille: Pink – 0.2m
- Dimple Chenille: Bright Yellow – 0.4m
- Micro Chenille: Billard Green – 0.3m
- Micro Chenille: Light Grey – 0.2m
- Flannelette: Black – 0.2m*
- Flannelette: White – 0.2m*
- Fibre Fill – 1lb bag
- Craft Stabilizer – Heavy Weight Fusible – 0.2m
*Can be substituted for scrap of the same colour
Free Pattern
Cutting Instructions
From Pink cut:
(2) Flamingo Body
(4) Flamingo Leg
(4) Flamingo Wing
(2) Pineapple Cheek
From Bright Yellow cut:
(2) Pineapple body – on fold
From Kelly cut:
(4) Pineapple Leaf – Small
(6) Pineapple Leaf – Large
From Fusible cut:
(2) Pineapple Leaf – Small
(3) Pineapple Leaf – Large
From Light Grey cut:
(4) Flamingo Feet
(2) Flamingo Beak
From White cut:
(2) Pineapple Pupil
From Black cut:
(2) Pineapple Eye
Pineapple Assembly
Seam Allowance 1/2″
- Apply fusible to (2) pineapple leaf-small and (3) pineapple leaf-large
2. Place (1) pineapple leaf-small, with fusible, right sides together with (1) un-fused pineapple leaf-small. Stitch around, leaving the bottom open.
3. Clip around seam and turn right way out. Topstitch around edge, do not stitch over opening.
Repeat steps 2-3 for all Pineapple Leaf pieces.
4. Using the heatnbond, attach (1) pineapple pupil to the right-hand side of (1) pineapple eye. Repeat with remaining pupil and eye.
5. Using the heatnbond, attach (2) pineapple eyes and (2) pineapple cheeks to (1) pineapple body. Zig-zag stitch around the eyes and cheek to secure. Lay the eyes and cheeks out following the layout below:

6. Using the smile template and a water soluble marker, draw out the smile 10″ from the top of the pineapple body. Embroider the smile.
7. With (3) pineapple leaf – large facing downwards, line up the bottoms. Line up (2) pineapple leaf – small on either side. Baste across the top to secure.
8. Place front and back right sides together. Leaving a 3″ gap at the bottom, stitch around to secure. Pull right way out through the gap, stuff with fibre fill and topstitch closed.
Flamingo Assembly
- Place (2) flamingo wings right sides together. Stitch around, leaving the bottom open.
2. Clip around seam and turn right way out. Lightly stuff with fibre fill and repeat for remaining wing.
3. Place (1) flamingo foot right sides together with (1) flamingo leg. Stitch together. Repeat for remaining leg and foot
4. Place (2) flamingo legs right sides together. Stitch around, leaving the top open.
5. Clip around seam and turn right way out. Lightly stuff with fibre fill and repeat for second leg.
6. Place (1) flamingo beak right sides together with (1) flamingo body. Stitch together. Leave 1/2″ seam allowance on the inside of the beak unstitched, as shown. Repeat for the remaining beak and body pieces.
7. Snip the body at the beak to the end of the stitch line. Fold beak back behind the body.
8. Using the eye template, draw out the eye 1″ from the side of the flamingo body. Embroider the eyes.
9. Place (2) flamingo wings right sides together on either side of (1) flamingo body. Baste in place.
10. Place (2) flamingo legs right sides together on (1) flamingo body. Baste in place.
11. Place (1) flamingo body right sides together to (1) flamingo body with wings and legs attached. Stitch around, leaving a 2″ gap to turn through. Make sure not to stitch over the ends of the legs.
12. Pull right way out through the gap, stuff with fibre fill and topstitch closed.