T-shirt Pocket Embroidery
Give an old shirt some love with decorative embroidery. Jazz up the pocket, hem, sleeve or collar. With simple embroidery techniques, you can take something old and give it a new life! Use the pattern provided or create one of your own.

- Shirt to be upcycled
- Embroidery Floss
- 3176
- 3088
- 3087
- 6205
- 6187
- 6228
- 6186
- 3500
- Embroidery Needle
- Lightweight interfacing
- Embroidery Hoop
* If you are looking for instructions for completing the stitches below please reference our Holiday Embroidery blog post.*

1.Fuse interfacing to the wrong side of your garment where you intent to embroider. The interfacing needs to be large enough to cover the space of the embroidery.

2. Place the pattern behind the shirt and pin in place.
3. With a pencil or a water-soluble marker trace the pattern onto the shirt.

4. Secure the shirt into an embroidery hoop.

5. Complete the body of the smaller fish with a backstitch using 3088.

6. Split your embroidery strands in half and complete the face of the smaller fish with a very small backstitch using 3087.

7. Complete the tail with a lazy daisy stitch using 3176.

8. Complete the top of the smaller fish and the scales with a feather stitch using 3176.

9. Split your embroidery strands in half and complete the face of the smaller fish with a very small backstitch using 3176.

10. Complete the face with a french knot for the eye and a backstitch for the mouth.

11. Complete the body of the bigger fish with a backstitch using 6228.

12. Split your embroidery strands in half and complete the face of the larger fish with a backstitch using 6205.

13. Complete the top of the fish and the fin with a backstitch using 6187.

14. Complete the face with a french knot for the eye and a backstitch for the mouth.

15. Complete the scales with a feather stitch using 6205.

16. Complete the heart with a backstitch using 3500. Complete the waves with a backstitch using 6186. Add water droplets with a lazy daisy stitch using 6186.