Tip & Trick: Types of Scissors

Shears: The most basic of scissors in the sewing room. Shears can come in all types of materials and sizes. For beginners, we recommend a shear with 8″-10″ blades. For more advanced seamstresses you can use longer shears. Longer shears are also great for cutting long lengths of fabric, for example, drapery fabric.

Pinking Shears: These look like heavy-duty crazy scissors with a saw-toothed blade. These scissors will leave a zig-zag design on the fabric edge after cutting. This is a great alternative to serging as the zig-zag will keep the edges of seams from unravelling.

Rag Quilt Snips: These scissors have a spring between the handles to allow for a spring opening after making a cut. This will make it easier on the wrist and hand. This type of scissor will cut through up to 10 layers of fabric at a time.

Embroidery: Embroidery scissors are often used to cut the threads at the back of an embroidery. They are small in size to easily maneuver around your project. These are also great to keep next to the sewing machine to clip loose threads.