Tutti Frutti Quilt
Strong bright and energizing, neon colours can have a powerful effect on emotions. We used our bright and bold digitally printed Fruit Stand collection to create a show-stopping quilt that will have your friends stopping in their tracks to stare!
This intermediate quilt mixes modern prints with traditional half square triangles. The perfect quilt to show off your favourite collections.

Finished Size: 65″ x 80″
Seam allowances is 1/4” unless otherwise stated
- Fabric A – Organic Co-ordinates – Triangles – Grey – 3m
- Fabric B – Fruit Stand – Oranges – 0.2m
- Fabric C – Fruit Stand – Lemons – 0.4m
- Fabric D – Fruit Stand – Grapes – 0.2m
- Fabric E – Fruit Stand – Blueberries – 0.2m
- Fabric F – Fruit Stand – Limes – 0.8m *Includes binding
- Fabric G – Fruit Stand – Raspberries 0.4m
- Fabric H – Cashmere Terry Chenillie – Lt Grey – 2.2m
Printable Instructions
Cutting Instructions
Please Note: All strips are cut across the width of fabric (WOF) from selvedge to selvedge unless otherwise noted.
From Fabric A cut:
(4) 14 1/2” x WOF strips. Sub cut:
(4) 141/2” x 33″ rectangles – Sew rectangles together end to end to make: (2) 141/2” x 651/2“strips
(2) 131/2” x WOF strips. Sub cut:
(12) 131/2” x 7″ rectangles
(4) 7″ x WOF strips. Sub cut:
(4) 7″ x 33″ rectangles – Sew rectangles together end to end to make: (2) 7″ x 651/2“strips
(1) 75/8” x WOF strip. Sub cut:
(5) 75/8” x 75/8” squares
From Fabric B & D cut:
(1) 75/8” x WOF strip. Sub cut:
(5) 75/8” x 75/8” squares
From Fabric E cut:
(1) 75/8” x WOF strip. Sub cut:
(4) 75/8” x 75/8” squares
From Fabric C & F cut:
(2) 75/8” x WOF strip. Sub cut:
(6) 75/8” x 75/8” squares
From Fabric G cut:
(2) 75/8” x WOF strip. Sub cut:
(7) 75/8” x 75/8” squares
Half Square Triangles
1. Place (1) 75/8” A, right sides together with (1) 75/8 ” C

2. Draw a diagonal line corner to corner and stitch 1/4″ on either side

3. Cut down the middle and press open. Trim to 7″ squares.

Repeat steps 1-3 until you have:

Block Assembly
Referring to Block 1-9 for fabric identification, sew your half square triangles together until you have made:

Quilt Layout
- Use Quilt Layout for block location.
- Sew blocks and rows together to create quilt top.
- Layer and quilt as desired.
- Bind as desired.