Waste Bag Carrier

Make walks a little easier with this waste bag carrier! It’s easy to attach to the leash so you never forget a bag again! It also has a bonus pocket for treats!


- 1 invisible zipper 4″ to 7″
- 1 closed end zipper 4″ to 7″
- 1 grommet 1/2″
- 1 snap hook
- 0.2m fabric
- 0.2m interfacing
- sewing machine, thread and scissors
FREE Pattern
1.Cut out fabric and interfacing following the pattern provided. Iron on interfacing as per pattern. Mark zipper markings and grommet cross to the wrong side of the fabric.

2. Cut out the welt for the zipper pocket (cut middle line and triangles.) Fold back and press to create a perfect rectangle opening.

3. Place the zipper in the welt and hand baste into place, this will ensure it does not shift while sewing. Sew into place close to the edge. Tack the end of the zipper and cut if necessary. You can also shorten the zipper from the top to the correct length if you desire.

4. Baste this piece to the other bag piece unmarked with the wrong side to right side, so if you open the pocket you can see the right side of the fabric.

5. With the last pocket piece marked for the grommet trace the inner circle of the grommet on the wrong side of the fabric and cut out. Place grommet into the hole, place the plastic washer on the back and then the metal backing. Using the tool provided hammer on a solid object into place. The edges should curl over.

6. Attach your invisible zipper to one side of the bag first and then the second, making sure edges align.
7. Create the loop tab for the clip. Interface one rectangle and sew pieces right sides together with 1/4″ seam allowance trim excess and turn right side out.

8. Thread the hook on and fold the fabric to make a loop. Baste this to the edge of one side of the bag.

9. Place right sides together making sure the top zipper is aligned and open. Sew edges shut with 1/4″ seam allowance.
10. Turn right side out. If you want more pointed corners trim your corners before turning right side out.

11. Stitch in the ditch to tack zipper ends down and trim as necessary.

super cute idea!