BBQ Holster
This holster won’t defend you from cowboys but it will help you prepare for dinner! Use denim to create the apron and then add rings, snaps, hooks, and even a beverage cozy! It has everything you need to get your BBQ on!


- 0.5m of denim fabric
- Width of waist + 6″ of belting trim
- Belt Trim
- 2 rings
- 3-4 heavy-duty snaps and tool
- 1 leather swatch 8.5 x 11″
- Hammer
- Needle and thread
- Scissors
- Serger
- Sewing Machine
FREE Pattern
- Measure a rectangle the desired length + 2″ and the width as your waist measurement. Serge all edges

2. Fold top edge over 2″ and press. Stitch close to the edge so you can feed the belt through.

3. Attach a safety pin to the end of your belt and pull through the tunnel created.

4. Attach the belt buckle, stitching between pieces to secure. Fold the loose end over and stitch.

5. If attaching a can holder cut the pattern out of the leather. Attach the heavy-duty snap to the top edge, to make it more secure you can also attach one near the bottom.

6. Stitch the edges together with no more than a 1/4″ seam allowance. Make sure the right side of the snap is on the inside of the can holder.

7. Attach the rings to leather scraps and stitch on to apron. Create a leather loop with snaps. Attach the other sides of the snaps to the apron.