DIY Sewing Caddy

Whether you are looking for a mat to avoid your machine slipping or need some accessible storage, this sewing caddy is perfect for any sewing room! It’s easy to make and will leave you feeling organized and ready to sew.

- 0.7m fabric for main rectangle
- 0.7m fabric for backing
- 0.7m cotton batting
- 0.2m fabric for large pocket
- 0.2m fabric for small pocket
- 0.2m fabric for bag
- 0.2m fabric for lining
- 2 packages of bias tape
- 0.2m Boning
- 2 Snap Fasteners 3/4″ 1 pack
- curved safety pins
- thread
- sewing machine
- scissors
- iron and board
Cutting Instructions
From your Main fabric cut:
(1) 22″ x 25″ rectangle
From your backing fabric cut:
(1)26″ x 29″ rectangle
From your large pocket fabric cut:
(1) 7″ x 19″ rectangle
From your small pocket fabric cut:
(1) 4″ x 9″ rectangle
From your bag fabric cut:
Bag – (2) 6 1/2” x 6 1/2” squares
Pin Cushion – (2) 4 1/2” x 4 1/2” squares
Strap – (1) 2 1/2” x 5 1/2” rectangle
From your lining fabric cut:
(2) 6 1/2” x 6 1/2” squares
From Batting
(1) 24″ x 27″ rectangle

1. Use the cutting instructions above to cut out all your pieces

2. Mark a quilting pattern of your choice on the main top piece of fabric. We did 2.5″ x 2.5″ (6.5cmx6.5cm) squares.

3. Place the backing right side down, the cotton batting on top and then your main top piece of fabric on top with the right side up. You should have a sandwich of backing, cotton batting and main fabric.

4. Pin your pieces together with safety pins roughly at every square. This will help it from shifting too much. Quilt the pieces together. Clip threads and trim excess backing and batting. Square your edges to create a perfect rectangle.

5. Fold up one long edge 8″ (20cm) and press a crease. This is where it will sit on the edge of the table.

6. Prepare your pocket pieces.

7. Attach bias tape to the top edge and the right side of both pocket pieces

8. Place the small pocket on top of the large pocket, lining up the left sides and bottom edge. Don’t pull fabric tight, you want it to be loose with some space to put your sewing supplies in. Pin in place.

9. Draw lines using a tailors pencil following the diagram (attached). Stitch the pockets along these lines to the main rectangle. Clip threads.

10. Sew bias tape around the main rectangle to finish.
Pin Cushion and Thread Catcher
11. Fold strap in half, right sides together and stitch down the 5 1/2” side and across to create a strap. Pull right way out and press.
12. Place pin cushion squares right sides together. Sandwich the strap in the middle, making sure only 1 end will be sewn over. Stitch around leaving a 2″ gap.
13. Turn right way out through the gap. Sew on part of (1) snap fastener to the bottom of the pin cushion. Sew on part of he 2nd snap fastener to the end of the strap, on the opposite side. Stuff and slipstitch gap closed.
14. From the right hand corner of the sewing caddy, measure in 3 1/2” and up 11″. Mark and sew the matching part of the pin cushion snap fastener.
15. Place (2) bag squares right sides together. Stitch around leaving the top side open. Repeat with the bag lining squares, leave a 3″ opening in the side of the lining.
16.Pull main bag apart at the corners until the bottom of the bag looks like a diamond. Mark a line 1″ up from each point and sew across perpendicular. Stitch across this line and trim. Repeat with bag lining.
17. Cut a 10″ length of boning , place one end over the other and stitch in place to create a hoop. With wrong side out, slide the lining bag inside the circle. Line the hoop up 1/2″ down from the open edge of the lining and stitch in place.
18. Turn main bag right way out. Place inside the lining bag with right sides together. Stitch around the top to secure.
19. Turn right way out and topstitch gap closed. Topstitch around the top edge of the bag to secure the binding. Measure down 1/2″ from the top edge. Mark and sew the matching part of the strap snap fastener to the outside of the bag.
You can now snap your pin cushion to your sewing caddy. Then snap your thread catcher to the pin cushion strap.
Cudos to Fabricland for sharing these wonderful creative adventures! You are a very socially responsible organization and I’m a proud member! Will continue to look forward to your emails. Thank you for helping us all convene around positive projects.
Thanks so much Jan, you’ve warmed our hearts!
I am definitely going to make this caddy. However, I am going to use clear vinyl for the pockets so I can see what is in the pockets. I have made lots of project bags with the clear vinyl and like being able to see at a glance what I have in the pocket. I think it should work out!
Great idea! Can’t wait to see how it turns out!