Quick & Easy Gnomes

- Foam Balls
- 0.7m quilting fabric
- 0.3m faux fur trim
- scrap broadcloth or quilting cotton in beige
- hot glue or craft glue
Cutting Instructions
From Quilting Cotton cut:
For Small Foam Ball cut:
(1) Triangle with a base of 8″ and height of 10″
For a Medium Foam Ball cut:
(1) Triangle with a base of 9 1/2” and height of 12″
For a Large Foam Ball cut:
(1) Triangle with a base of 13″ and height of 14″
- Cut out triangle
2. Place your triangle right sides together and stitch the long edge with 1/4″ seam allowance. Turn right side out and place on foam ball.
3. Cut your faux fur trim to fit around your foam ball. Starting at the back seam use hot glue to secure the faux fur trim to the ball.
4. Cut an oval from beige broadcloth. Using a needle and thread run a gathering stitch around the outer edge. Pull to gather the nose but stuff with polyfill before closing. Stitch opening closed and secure with a knot.
5. Use hot glue to secure the nose to the front of the gnome.

Add some decorations to your gnome to give it a personality!