Rope Collar and Leash

With National Pet Day coming up with decided it’s high time we made another pet DIY!
If you’d like to celebrate with us, give this easy DIY dip dyed leash and collar project a whirl!
- Rope Cord 1/2″ – 6m
- Leather Trim Piece – 3 Sheets
- Tassle Cap Cylinder -1 Packet
- Swivel Hook – 2 Packets
- Round Rings 4 pack – 1 Packet
- Upholstery Thread – 1 Spool
- Rit Dye Synthetic Dye – 1 Bottle
*Rope cord length required will change depending on the finished length desired. You will need enough rope for:
3 x the leash length + 2 x neck measurement + 36″
Free Pattern
Cutting Instructions
From Rope Cord cut:
(3) Length of finished leash + 10″ = Leash
(2) Neck measurement + 3″ = Collar
Dying Process
1. Following the manufacturers instructions, prep your dye.

2. Tape the ends of (2) collar together to prevent fraying. Submerge collar for full dye time according to instructions.
3. Tape the ends of (3) leash lengths together to prevent fraying. For an ombre effect submerge 3/4 of the length in dye. Remove roughly 10″ of length every 10 mins until the full length is removed.
4. Leave lengths until fully dry. Re-tape ends once dry to prevent further fraying.
Collar Assembly
1. Thread the ends of (2) collar lengths through (1) swivel hook. Fold back 11/2″ and hand stitch the ends down. You can also hot glue for extra security.
*Be sure that your ends are well secured, if not they may not withstand pulling*
2. Wrap (1) leather trim piece around the overlapped ends. Pull around until it covers the ends and trim away excess. Glue trim piece in place to hide the ends and stitching.
3. Thread the opposite (2) ends of collar lengths through (1) round ring. Move ring until roughly 3″ from the swivel hook. Knot the (2) collar lengths around the ring to keep in place
4. Repeat steps 1-2, replacing the swivel hook with (1) round ring.
*Be sure that your ends are well secured, if not they may not withstand pulling*
This will complete the collar

Tassle Assembly
1. With wrong side up fringe cut (1) leather trim piece. Make cuts 1/8″ apart and leaving 1/4″ untrimmed at the top.
2. Once full length has been trimmed, spread a thin layer of glue along the top untrimmed edge of the leather and slowly roll leather up into a tube. You will see your tassle taking shape, make sure your roll is tight.
3. When fully rolled (1) leather trim piece will fit into the Tassel Cap Cylinder. Apply a thin layer of glue into the cap and insert the untrimmed end of the tassel. With caution use the provided screw to secure.
Leash Assembly
1. With (3) leash length ends taped together braid the full length of the rope and tape together at the opposite end.

2. Fold the undyed end of the leash braid back 8 and hand stitch the ends down. You can also hot glue for extra security.
*Be sure that your ends are well secured, if not they may not withstand pulling*
3. Attach the chain of your tassel to the overlapped ends.
4. Wrap (1) leather trim piece around the overlapped ends. Pull around until it covers the ends and trim away excess. Glue trim piece in place to hide the ends and stitching.

5. Thread the opposite braided end of the leash braid through (1) round ring. Fold back 11/2″ and hand stitch the ends down. You can also hot glue for extra security.
*Be sure that your ends are well secured, if not they may not withstand pulling*
6. Wrap (1) leather trim piece around the overlapped ends. Pull around until it covers the ends and trim away excess. Glue trim piece in place to hide the ends and stitching.
This will complete the leash.