Sassy Holiday: Placemats
Show off your wild side this holiday season with our sassy holiday placemats! A cheeky different creature for each setting, its sure to bring a smile to even the biggest Grinch.


Fabric A
Animal Panel in Blocks Green

Fabric B
Holly Green – 0.2m
*includes binding

Fabric C
Animal Toss White – 0.5m
*includes backing

Fabric D
Lights Red – 0.2m

Fabric E
Presents Black – 0.2m

Fabric F
Words White – 0.2m

Fabric G
Trees Green – 0.2m

Fabric H
Plaid Multi – 0.2m
Cutting Instructions
Please note: All strips are cut across the width of fabric (WOF) from selvedge to selvedge unless otherwise noted.
From Fabric A cut:
(1) 11″ x 11″ block per placemat
From Fabric B cut:
(2) 1″ x WOF strips. Sub-cut:
(4) 12″ x 1″ rectangles
(1) 1 1/2″ x WOF strips. Sub cut:
(4) 9″ x 1 1/2″ rectangles
From Fabric C cut:
(2) 1 1/2″ x WOF strips. Sub cut:
(2) 12″ x 1 1/2″ rectangles
(1) 1 1/2″ x WOF strips. Sub cut:
(4) 9″ x 1 1/2″ rectangles
Placemat Assembly

Sew (4) B around (1) A block piece. Miter your corners. Sew (1) C to the top and 1 (c) to the bottom.
Place BCDEFGHBCDEFGH next to eachother, turn so your left most B piece is at a 45 degree angle and the remaining pieces are staggered in a line. Sew together and repeat for (2) units total.

Cut a rectangle 4″ x 14″ out of the strips. Repeat for (2) units total.
Sew (1) stripe panel to one side of your placemat. Repeat for the opposite side. Layer and quilt as desired. Bind to finish.